Wednesday 21 November 2012

Matthew Smith for YI Chair 2012

YI needs someone with a varied background who isn't afraid of tough decisions, hard work and has a proven track record, not full of self praise, friend recommendation or opinion, but has measurable results.

I believe the role of Chairman is not something to be taken lightly. I am self employed, have worked in and out of politics and believe I have the necessary skills, experience and a proven track record that makes me the best candidate to be an excellent Chairman.

We can take Young Independence even further and make the other Parties sit up and take notice of us. I have served as Elections Officer on the Council for approximately a year and masterminded the target seat campaign which gave us 2 second places in 3 seats.  We must make YI an organisation that through social activities keeps people engaged and through campaigning helps UKIP in being an electorally successful Party.

Over the course of the election I will be releasing reasons to vote for me as Chairman and have my “ Matthew Smith for Young Independence Chairman” facebook page available and open for debate and questions.

You can also email me on or contact me on twitter on @_matthew_smith

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